This exercise involved setting up a scenario of multiple points - the object here is to show how a group of objects implies not only a network of lines or connections but also, by implication shapes. The implication is that multiple points produce an effect that they joined (see the progression of images below).
I chose dice and pieces from my monopoly set for my arrangement.
1. a single point placed off centre - dividing the frame.
2 points.. when you add more points the relationship of the objects implies a network of lines, the simplest of which is the line between two points.
3 points.. a network of lines, implying a triangle (I haven't added the lines as yet, see final image below)
4 points.. the eye travels from the lower right hand around and up to the left and back..5 points..
6 points.. the eye travels over the points following the implied vectors, from right to left sweeping over the image.
7 points, the eye sweeps over the image, in a circular motion
8 points..I have added an intersection of lines to highlight the division the points make
9 points
10 points...
The relationship of multiple points implies a network of lines, that the points are joined. With 2 points, the eye, moves from one to another quite easily without much explanation. When more points are added you can see movement or vectors which direct the eye as it travels over the image.
It is interesting to see Gestalts' Law of closure in play, in final arrangement, I see 2 circles (or a circle on the right hand side and a triangle on the left).
One thing I noted was that it was actually difficult to arrange the objects to make them look natural and not too set up! I wanted to make them look as if they had fallen onto the table