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Hi welcome to my blog! this is intended to be a reflective learning journal for my participation in the OCA BA Photography degree: The Art of Photography

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Part Two

It has been almost a week since I wrote up feedback for Assignment 1.    I have had a short break for 4 days (which was a total surprise) in Queenstown the South Island. I have many photographs to edit and publish and I have been continuing to read Cotton's book on  Photography as contemporary Art.

Whilst I am reading through the introduction to Part Two, I thought it would be extremely useful for me to read Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain  (Edwards Betty, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain,  1993, HarperCollins) [ISBN 0006381146]. An artist friend of mine said that this would be extremely helpful in viewing photographs, not just as images, but in terms of light, and graphic qualities.

I have also recently studied photographs by Martin Parr, and I will shortly add a post on my review.

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