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Hi welcome to my blog! this is intended to be a reflective learning journal for my participation in the OCA BA Photography degree: The Art of Photography

Tuesday 16 October 2012


Photoshop - beginners course.

I have taken a very short break from my blogg and continuing with the OCA Part Two, this is due to me completing a quite intense Photoshop course which is due to end in two weeks time.  At the moment, I am putting a portfolio of images together, which will hopefully display the skills that I have learnt over the past 3 months.

I must say though - Photoshop seems to have overtaken my life...  this has been a great course but has been extremely demanding from a beginners point of view, and some of the tasks have been more appropriate for someone studying graphic design - not photography.  I have been creating "eye-balls" from scratch.. and manipulating images with puppet warp.   The course has been very useful, if some what very trying! and I now understand more about basic image management.

I am really looking forward to continuing with Part Two and Assignment Two - and should be back on line in 3 weeks.