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Hi welcome to my blog! this is intended to be a reflective learning journal for my participation in the OCA BA Photography degree: The Art of Photography

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Part Two:


The objective of Part Two:
is to focus attention on identifying the graphic elements in a photograph.  We must learn to think of a photograph, in terms of an arrangement of light - i.e., how the light is organised, how it falls. The light tones and dark tones, give rise to shapes and forms.   This approach involves looking at an image in an abstract way.   The aim is to facilitate how we view composition, we need to be able to identify the graphic elements in an image, to assess how the elements interact, and to learn how to use them for structure and movement in a composition.

I am wondering how I will fare in Part Two - I am usually drawn to strong colours and shapes, and as the introduction states this may be something of a distraction.

The exercises on elements of design - will cover points, lines and shapes - that together form a 2-dimensional image.

The first project involves points.  As Freeman states in the Art of Photography course notes at page 72 " The point is the most fundamental design element. In a photograph, for a subject to qualify as a point it has to be small in the frame, and contrast, in some way, with its surroundings.."

Before embarking on any exercises, we are asked to jot down examples of situation which would make a clear photograph of a point: I thought of the following:

1.single yacht at sea (with sea filling out most of the background)

2.rock on the beach, with sea in distance or empty landscape.

3.cottage in a field occupying small part of the frame,

4.toy car positioned on a bench top, or in a light box - occupying small part of the frame

5. sole tree in a field, shot from wide angel to increase distance.

6. lone bird against wide blue uniform sky

We were asked to look through past photographs to identify points. Here are some examples - although, I have found it difficult to find very simple compositions with just "one" point.

1. The yacht could be considered to be a point, but the Island in the background, does detract the eye a bit.


2. the shell is off centre
 3. the boy is in the centre of the frame

3. the fern is slightly off centre
4.the larger boat is off centre and is balanced by the smaller boats off centre to the right
5. the container ship is high on the left and is a point along with the smaller yacht to its right.. however the reflection of the clouds in the water is quite distracting.

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