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Hi welcome to my blog! this is intended to be a reflective learning journal for my participation in the OCA BA Photography degree: The Art of Photography

Friday 10 August 2012

Monitor Calibration

I decided to revisit the calibration of my monitor. I started off checking the information which came with my desktop - and going through the on screen instructions.  I looked up a few things on the internet (see http://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/monitor-calibration.htm ), and also Adobe.  I went through the on screen instructions with adobe - but still was not overly impressed with the results.  I do need to invest in a monitor calibration system which you sit on  the screen.
In the intermin, I found quite a good online calibration software which was good for windows/pc: see http://www.calibrize.com/.   I am quite happy with the results, but it will be interesting to have the additional hardware to sit on the screen and re-calibrate. I would like to reproduce the colours I see on the monitor in print.  The following link, outlines a discussion on hardware devices -  I have yet to decide on one.  I will add more to this comment, when I have done further research.


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