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Hi welcome to my blog! this is intended to be a reflective learning journal for my participation in the OCA BA Photography degree: The Art of Photography

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Photographers: Ansel Adams

Today I looked at some of the photographs taken by early photographers (see the link to the  Masters http://www.masters-of-photography.com/index.html (Accessed 2/07/2012)). I was amazed to see the detail and clarity in the images taken on some of the old cameras.  I spent quite sometime looking at the images on this website and could not believe the amazing feel that some of the old film images had. For example,  Ansel Adams' image below,  shows so much skill at producing such detail - all of which had to be done in the darkroom.  The quality of film seems to be unparallelled.

 Ansel Adams, Minarets

Ansel Adams
Minarets, Evening Clouds, California
c. 1937
©The Trustees of the Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust

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